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Talk to the editor
Have questions or feedback on a recent story? Want to be a source or pitch an idea? Get in touch with our editor at
Interested in advertising?
However you want your brand promoted, South Florida Agent Magazine has the option that will fit. Email to learn more about how we can put your message in front of more than 82,000 local real estate professionals.
Have us cover your event!
Have a party, conference or industry event coming up? Let us know and we may send a professional photographer, and publish select events. Contact for details.
Custom publishing projects
Whether it’s print or digital, our in-house design and editorial teams will bring your project to life. Email for a creative consultation.
If you want to provide us with your own event photography, we have a few simple guidelines:
  • We only publish photos of people in the industry. No consumers, please!
  • We’ll need you to supply all the names and companies of the professionals pictured in each   image file
  • Photos should be high resolution and in JPEG format for best results
  • Photos may not contain watermarks, and you must be responsible for all permissions for photography use.
Want to work for
We’re always looking for talented event photographers, and writers who know real estate. Send resumes and clips to
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